New Beginnings

Originally, I wasn’t sure where this blog was headed. I created it without buying a domain name, buying web hosting, or having any idea of how to create content on web pages. This webpage was created using completely free resources, but I have outgrown the capabilities of those resources.

For that reason, I have purchased a new domain. In the future, I will be posting all new content to At the time of this writing, if you browse to that address, you will find a maintenance page. But, that will change soon. It is 90% completed and just needs a few finishing touches.

What can you expect on this new page?

  1. A detailed explanation of the rules of tournament poker. Surprisingly, no such resource currently exists. All major poker tournaments are currently using a ruleset developed by the TDA, or Tournament Directors Association. They have done a fantastic job. However, if you aren’t a tournament director, or you haven’t been involved in poker for more than a decade, the rules can be convoluted and unintelligible. I have done my best to go rule by rule and explain them all.
  2. Poker video learning resources. I have watched 1000’s of poker videos. Most of them were worthless, but some of them were invaluable. Content creators on YouTube can choose to make their content publicly available. Some of the best poker content creators have been generous enough to make their poker videos available for free to the masses. I have handpicked the very best of those videos and created an easily navigated poker video library. Everything you need to know in order to be a winning poker player is in this video library, from how to manage your bankroll to how to play the river out of position vs. an aggressive player.
  3. A diverse shop of poker merchandise. I have established a relationship with a wholesaler for all types of poker products. This has been no easy task. The vast majority of potential items were either overpriced, obsolete, or otherwise not good products. I have narrowed down a list of 2500+ items to the 30 best items. Everything is priced to compete with ultra cheap places like ebay, so that I can bring you the best deals. The items that made the cut have also been reviewed diligently by many customers and all have positive reviews. This store will continue to grow. I am currently working on a relationship with the best poker wholesaler in the world and I will soon be able to add many new quality items at the best possible prices you can find anywhere.
  4. A new home for this blog. I will continue this blog, but now I will have a professional website theme to build on that isn’t dependent on fickle free options. I will be able to post any content I want without data restrictions or insurmountable technical obstacles.

In fact, this new website does not tell the whole story. Through my journeys across the country and into the busiest and best casinos, I have learned something valuable. Poker is a very limited dream. There are a handful of great jobs in the industry and to get one of those jobs it practically takes divine intervention. Once you have that job, you will still not have security.

The Linq poker room in Vegas and The Lodge poker room in Black Hawk have recently closed. The Venetian has down sized considerably. 100’s of people show up for open auditions for a small number of positions in California casinos. Casinos no longer view poker as the hugely profitable industry it once was and they have started to redirect resources that were once pointed at poker. The casinos in CA have changed their business model. Since poker is not as profitable, they have increased the amount of rake they take dramatically to compensate for that. This is not a good development for the future of poker. I have been offered a temporary job at The Commerce Casino in LA. They offered me a three week temporary tournament dealer position. The only reason they offered me this job is because I can deal 7 card stud, a rare game in the modern casino setting. I could jump through the hoops required to get this job (like getting a CA driver’s license) and try to parlay it into something long term, but I’m not going to do that. I don’t want to gamble with my future, and pursuing poker dealing as a long term career, as I have come to learn, is a major gamble.

I love poker. I will always be involved in the game in some way. However, I have new career aspirations. It turns out that I truly enjoy building websites, and I believe I have some talent at it. I have now created two websites for small businesses. I have made my own ecommerce and niche interest website. I am already working on my next big project, which is not poker related, and something you would never expect. I recently had a friend of my father’s contact me about making a site for his carpet installation business, another friend contact me about a small business owner in the Louisville area looking for a website, and I’m confident more opportunities will make themselves available as a I create a portfolio and establish my own business identity.

Once upon a time I went to school for computer science and worked for IBM for half a decade, and I am remembering why I had a passion for that industry in the first place.

Once again, I am headed in a new direction and I’m not sure where it will take me, but I am very optimistic.

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