The Departure

According to google maps it will take me 11 hours to drive from Denver to Vegas. You couldn’t squeeze a postage stamp into my trunk. My first week is settled. I’m staying in a private furnished room that I found off of airbnb. After that, it’s all improv. I have a lot of cup ‘o noodles and an air mattress.

on the road

As the WSOP settles down, the poker dealing jobs have started to dry up. I’m hoping I’m not too late. On Indeed there are still a few leads for me to chase down. I have one buddy with a contact at Mandalay Bay and another buddy with a contact at The Venetian.  Those will be my first two destinations on the strip.

will work

I’m more than a little excited. For most of my adult life I have flirted with risk. In the past I’ve succeeded enough to embrace materialism, but I’ve also had to borrow money to eat. I’ve owned a house and I’ve couchsurfed. Above all else, I’ve grown confident in my perseverance.

risk reward

When the sun comes up tomorrow I’ll be leaving my home of 31 years. I’ve spent a few summers away before, but never with ambitions like this. I’m going to miss the Broncos, my parents, and my family’s dog. I bought a Colorado flag themed hat to remind me of home. I’m not sure where this crazy adventure is going to take me, but I’m ready.


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